Nisus Thesaurus

Dear Nisusoids,
We recently received some odd correspondence regarding the Nisus Thesaurus. The vast majority of the responses we've received have been highly praiseworthy, thanking us for making this tool available for the Macintosh community. Whenever anyone had an additional comment, it was a request for an additional language or a question about how to change the keyboard shortcuts (instructions are now at <>.

Synonyms for Eurasian Sparrowhawk in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 1 synonym for Accipiter nisus: sparrow hawk. What are synonyms for Eurasian Sparrowhawk? Nisus definition: an effortful attempt to attain a goal synonyms: striving, jehad, endeavour, try, pains, attempt, endeavor, strain, jihad, effort antonyms: best, worst, inactivity, refrain, abstain. What is Nisus Thesaurus? Nisus Thesaurus is a fast electronic thesaurus that works with any services-aware application including Safari, Apple Mail, TextEdit, and more. Nisus Thesaurus integrates seamlessly with Nisus Writer Pro and Nisus Writer Express. Nisus Thesaurus is completely free, without any ads or tracking. Nisus synonyms, nisus pronunciation, nisus translation, English dictionary definition of nisus. Nisus An effort or endeavor to realize an aim. Nit definition is - the egg of a louse or other parasitic insect; also: the insect itself when young.

This latest issue is significantly different. I share it with you because the writer has threatened to 'move online with this issue'.
I have removed the writer's identity for his/her own protection.
Initial contact (received three days ago Feb, 24, via the Nisus Writer Express Send Feedback command, sent also to me personally as well as a variety of addresses at Nisus Software Inc.):

First of all, as a registered user of Nisus Writer Express, I insist that you reply using the email address attached, and not just if 'We will only use this if we need more details'. Imagine my dismay when -- as the attached document shows -- as an experiment I typed the offensive word 'nigger' into the Nisus Thesaurus window and got the 'That word is currently censored, please disable censoring if you wish to see entries for that word', whereas with 'Filter Offensive Words' ENABLED, the word 'queer, as in fagot' gave me a wealth of offensive synonyms. What can you tell me about this double-standard, and what you plan to do about this? If I do not get a satisfactory and speedy reply, I will move online with this issue. Thank you very much in advance.
I'm sorry you feel we have a double-standard in the filter for the Nisus Thesaurus.
We block words, not definitions. We cannot realistically block definitions.
A. There is only one definition for the word 'nigger'. The word 'nigger' only has an offensive connotation.
B. There are a variety of possible definitions for the word 'queer'. The word 'queer' can be used various ways and because we cannot realistically block definitions, there is nothing we can do about the word 'queer'.
As a followup to my message earlier today:
The words/slurs:
don't get through the 'Offensive Words Filter' ('That word is currently censored. Please disable censoring if you wish to see entries for that word.') in your Nisus Thesaurus software.
but the words:
ALL ( 'as in 'faggot' (n.)') DO get through the Nisus Thesaurus 'Offensive Words Filter' without a hitch.

Nisus Thesaurus Word

What are you going to do about correcting this situation?
Mr. Hurvitz - -
As I mentioned in my previous e-message, I had contacted the Apple Computer software division -- by then Claris Corporation -- years ago about a similar problem with the thesaurus component of MacWrite. They were horrified. I can tell from your response, you are not.

Of course you can 'realistically' block definitions -- its only a matter of hierarchy. The word 'queer' will appear with its non-offensive meanings with 'Filter Offensive Words' enabled, and the 'fag/fairy/queer/pouf/nance' connotation will be blocked. With 'Filter Offensive Words' DISabled, the entire spectrum of alternate meanings of the word(s) will be available.
What you are telling me is that you do not have the will to make the necessary changes, which is to say that your organization feels that racial slurs are worth filtering, but sexual orientation slurs are not.
I have attached four more screen grab examples:
With 'Filter Offensive Words' ENABLED, the word 'nance' is the only word which apparently has 'nigger' status. With 'Filter Offensive Words' DISabled, the word 'nance' shows the 'fag/faggot' list of 'Similar' words, and additionally the 'offensive terms for an openly homosexual man' definition in the lower frame.
Nisus Thesaurus With 'Filter Offensive Words' ENABLED, the word 'poof' (from the 'nance' 'Similar' list) shows the 'fag/faggot' list of 'Similar' words, and additionally ONLY the 'offensive terms for an openly homosexual man' definition in the lower frame -- no second or third meaning.
With 'Filter Offensive Words' ENABLED, the words 'fag' and 'faggot' show the 'fag/faggot' list of 'Similar' words, and additionally the 'offensive terms for an openly homosexual man' definition FIRST, followed by the non-slur meanings, in the lower frame.
There is a pattern, albeit somewhat erratic, that displays a clear insensitivity to slurs involving sexual orientation.
Let me say just a couple of things more. I do not find it unusual that you do NOT see the need to screen slurs involving sexual orientation, but DO see the need to screen slurs involving race. I do NOT find it unusual that you are apparently unwilling to own up to this situation, because you are a small software company with -- now -- a public relations problem. Furthermore, I am not insensitive to the investment involved in correcting this situation. Be that as it may, let me ask you once again: What do you plan to do to repair your software? Thank you in advance for your next response.
Mark Hurvitz, and To Whom It May Concern - -
You will have undoubtedly gotten my response which I sent from my office today to your e-message (copied below). As a followup, can we examine your point 'B' a little more closely in light of some additional performance I have noted in Nisus Thesaurus?
I have attached two more screen shots which pertain to your point 'B'. Please have a look at them.
The first example shows my having entered the word 'gook' with the 'Filter Offensive Words' option ENABLED. As you can see, the word has been blocked, or filtered.
The second example shows my having entered the word 'gook' with the 'Filter Offensive Words' option DISabled.
What I find odd about this example in reference to your point 'B' is that there seems to be a contradiction, or at best an inconsistency. The 'Filter Offensive Words' option blocks, or filters 'gook', even though the first definition listed is not even the offensive one. Why would 'Filter Offensive Words' not block both 'fag' and 'faggot', for example, since both FIRST definitions are the offensive ones, with the 'cigaret' and 'bundle of sticks' definitions being listed second?
Apparently you CAN block definitions, realistically. You say 'there is nothing we can do about the word 'queer' ' It would certainly appear that you have 'done something' about the word 'gook' (which of course means: any thick messy substance).
Am I making any headway here? Your company is stating through its software that it is NOT okay to be exposed to racial, or ethnic slurs, but that it IS okay to be exposed to slurs based on sexual orientation.
Please reply.
I was in the midst of preparing another response (dealing with a possible solution) when I received this:

Mr. Hurvitz, and To Whom It May Concern --
I think I have presented a very convincing case that the word-blocking function of your 'Nisus Thesaurus' software exhibits a de facto bias through inconsistent blocking of potentially offensive words. Unfortunately, your single response to this point (copied below) is effortlessly interpretable as a chilly disregard for my concerns.
Please take a look at the thesaurus component of Microsoft 'Word' software, as an example. Not only does 'Word' not recognize a whole collection of racially offensive and disparaging words, it also does not recognize a corresponding collection based on sexual-orientation -- not even the word 'queer' which, as you have pointed out, 'can be used various ways'.
I would argue that distinctions within something as ordinary as a thesaurus program can subtly validate intolerance. I am certain this situation began as an oversight; inaction on the part of Nisus Software to remedy the problem at this point must be regarded as inexcusable.
May I please be shown the courtesy of some kind of indication that you have at least received the present e-message?

Nisus Thesaurus Word

Nisus Thesaurus Definition

Consider this 'the courtesy of some kind of indication that you have at least received the present e-message'.
And then, almost immediately followed by return mail [with the clear implication that such terms are enabled in the Thesaurus on purpose]:

Okay, it w a s n ' t an oversight. My mistake.
So, I have now prepared this response (as I still await a detail regarding technical issues):

I don't want you to continue to make mistakes. I believe I was courteous enough to reply to your persistent messages.
Your expectation that we concentrate on your request to the exclusion of other tasks we have (of which you have no idea) I find presumptuous and distasteful.
I am quite aware of the ability words have to 'subtly validate intolerance.' We mean no intolerance towards anyone. In fact, you have no idea how welcoming and open the culture of Nisus Software Inc. is, and has been, for the entire period of its existence.
> I would argue that distinctions within something as ordinary as a
> thesaurus program can subtly validate intolerance.
> I am certain this situation began as an oversight; inaction on the part
> of Nisus Software to remedy the problem at this point must be
> regarded as inexcusable.

I am preparing a more thorough response. However, though I can well imagine that you do not appreciate the 'de facto bias' apparent in the Nisus Thesaurus, I do not appreciate threats:

This is the last you will hear from me until I can send you our plan for the Thesaurus.


To our Nisus public, we appreciate your understanding as we resolve this issue.
Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Dave Larson
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Vika Gardner
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Michael Sciascia
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Jonathan Levi MD
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Nigel Perry
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Rick Gordon
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Cliff Bender
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0raymond
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Charles Jolley
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Charles Jolley
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Jonathan Levi MD
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0raymond
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0John Haumann
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0jimwg
  • Re: Nisus Software, Inc. Announces Nisus Writer Express 2.0Hamid Haji