President's Tweet Last Night

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“Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled,” the president tweeted. “Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted,” he said. Twitter has accused the US president of making false claims, in one of the app's own articles covering the news. The move - which effectively accuses the leader of lying - refers to a tweet. Outgoing President Donald Trump has delivered a video message via Twitter – his last on the platform before his account was suspended. After years of controversial tweets, Trump’s last Twitter.

Here are 27 tweets which provide a snapshot of last night as it happened. A mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building last night in a bid to overthrow the certification of November’s presidential election result. With two weeks to go until Joe Biden is set to become US president, the rioters broke into the building in. President Donald Trump is running both a personal and an official Twitter account as leader of the United States. Here's the context behind his tweets.

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On January 8th 2021, Twitter decided to permanently suspend Donald Trump’s Twitter account. If you want to analyze the impact of the suspension you can create a Twitter Report. Trump’s activity before the suspension:

  • 59,553 Tweets and Retweets
  • 46,919 Tweets (Original tweets)
  • 51 Following
  • 389,842,552 Retweets received
  • 1,659,180,779 Likes received
  • March 18th 2009 Opened his Twitter account
  • May 4th 2009 Sent his first Tweet
  • Twitter for iPhone Favorite tool to tweet (17,260 tweets sent)
  • “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!” Most retweeted tweet (416,342 retweets) October 11th 2020
  • “To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.” Last tweet sent January, 8th 2021
  • “45th President of the United States of America” Last Twitter Bio

Before the suspension he had tweeted:

“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

Twitter took this measure after the tweets from the former President and the attack to the Capitol. It is amazing how the mentions to Donald Trump hit a maximum even during a month where he was mentioned a lot on Twitter. 16M and 17M tweets per day:

This is the tweet by Twitter announcing the suspension of Trump’s Twitter account:

After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.

— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 8, 2021

Donald Trump Twitter: How did the former President use Twitter?

Donald Trump’s tweets were a great way to know what the former President was thinking, what he was doing or thinking about to do. Always that Donald Trump used Twitter a newspaper wrote a new article. They were also a great source of conflict and controversy, just read the replies to any tweet he sent. We analyzed every tweet sent by Donald Trump since he became the President of the United States of America (and before) to see how he used Twitter. Can you imagine doing a hashtag tracking of all the hashtags he posted?

Donald Trump 2,021 Twitter activity

The first days of 2,021 Donald Trump increased his Twitter activity. Trump shared almost 150 tweets since the start of the new year. Most of the tweets he shared were original tweets and all of them where sent from iPhone. These are some of the Twitter data we have got with our Twitter analytics tool.

In addition, this was his most most retweeted tweet this year:

And this tweet was the most expensive tweet he has recently shared:

However, Twitter Safety’s account has deleted some of his tweets due to the gravity of the situation developed in Washington the 6th of January 2,021:

As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three @realDonaldTrump Tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy.

— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 7, 2021

Trump tweets and Twitter account analysis


The dates of the analysis were since May 4th 2009 until the 7th of January 2,021. We analyzed a lot of info and we can say: Trump + Twitter, what a combination! He was probably the President in the world that used Twitter the most. And when we say “used” it means he did it personally, he did not seem to have a team of people managing the account for him.

If you’d like to analyze Trump tweets, you should write from:realdonaldtrump in the search box. As that is nos possible anymore, you can create a Twitter account analysis for any other account with our exclusive Twitter user tracker:

Evolution of tweets sent by Donald Trump since 2009

Donald Trump Twitter’s account was opened in 2009. Since then he has sent almost 47K original tweets. In the next chart you will see how he has been using his official account @realDonaldTrump since then. If we take a look at Trump’s account since 2009, the year he opened his account, until there is data the evolution is quite interesting (kind of crazy if you think about it):

Donald Trump has always used his personal Twitter account @realDonaldTrump instead of the one from the official for the US Presidency @Potus. Former President Barack Obama used to have a team running his accounts. Whenever he sent a tweet personally, he added its signature to it so the audience would know. Trump tweets today are considered a great source of information. We have to say that this analysis is based on real Trump tweets, they are not fake or made up, those are tweets sent by Trump himself.

You can get these tweets and complete data with a Twitter Historical report. The Tweet Binder report about how Donald Trump tweets in 2020 also shows that this tweet remains as Tump’s most liked tweet and Trump’s most retweeted tweet he ever shared:

Donald Trump Twitter archive and stats

Trump’s latest tweets are always on TV, imagine all the news that are based just on his tweets. Well, Donald Trump has shared almost 47K original tweets since 2009. We do not count the RTs he makes, just the original tweets he has written and sent. Donald Trump original tweets are 46,919tweets divided in:

  • 30,572 text tweets: tweets containing only text (no link, no pic, etc.)
  • 3,624 replies: tweets where he replies to other users (however, in this case, he’s also replying to himself when creating threads)
  • 12,906 links or images (some of these tweets are also replies, so we don’t count them twice)

What has Donald Trump tweeted today?

That’s a very interesting question and probably it has a different answer every hour because Donald Trump used to tweet quite a lot. Trump’s tweets today will not be on the news anyway for sure. However, when we were able to analyze Trump’s tweets, this was the way to do it: writting from:realdonaldtrump in the following box:

Did Donald Trump tweet from an iPhone or Android?

While he was the US President, Donald Trump used up to 6 ways to share tweets. 6 different sources. Let’s remember that Twitter considers “source” the software a person uses to tweet. In this case, these are the sources Donald Trump used to tweet from (note that his latest tweets were sent via an iPhone):

SourceNumber of tweets
Twitter for iPhone17,260
Twitter for Android14,753
Twitter Web Client12,952
TwitLonger Beta502
Twitter Media Studio369

What hashtags did Donald Trump use when he tweet?

Not big surprise here, Donald Trump tweeted his campaign hashtags mostly: #MAGA (Make America Great Again) and #AmericaFirst.

HashtagNumber of tweets

Media and Trump’s tweets

We can say there is a bit of “love” between Fox News and Trump, they were the most mentioned news network in his tweets. We can also point out that Donald Trump liked to talk about the media, most of the most mentioned users were media channels, that’s a fact. 2% of Donald Trump tweets were about Fox News. And also, 519 tweets (7% of the total) talked about Fake News.

In the next table you can see a distribution of the mentioned Twitter account by Donald Trump:

AccountNumber of tweets
Fox News842
Barack Obama795
Fox & Friends665
Mitt Romney353

Fox News was the media that received the highest number of mentions. It was also one of the only ones that used to talk “nice” about Donald Trump. However, it seems something changed:

Let’s remember that the one who sent these tweets was the then President of the United States of America.

Trump’s most retweeted and liked tweet

The most retweeted tweet by Donald Trump was the one where he announced he had Covid-19 (October 2020):

In 2017 Donald Trump sent his second most retweeted tweet. The tweet where he showed a video making fun of CNN News is the one with the highest number of retweets and likes. It reached 324,000 retweets and 529,000 likes. Tweets sent by Trump about the CNN were not quite delicate.

The third one was from November 2016 and we already shared it before (a few lines above) where he said that “Today we make America great again”. This tweets had 302,432 retweets and 491K likes.

We also investigated the tweets sent to TO Donald Trump with the highest number of mentions. It belongs to Jimmy Kimmel and it was sent in 2017 (March. 23rd and got almost 500K retweets)

Hey @realDonaldTrump u up?

— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) February 27, 2017

Recent Tweets President Trump

Interesting facts about Donald Trump in Twitter

  • How many Twitter followers Donald Trump had? Trump’s Twitter account had over 77 million followers
  • How many mentions did Trump receive in Twitter? He used to get 10,000 mentions in 20 minutes. Can you imagine his phone?
  • Is there one fake Donald Trump in Twitter? Ummm, one? Not just one, thousands!
  • Trump only followed around 50 people and mostly his companies and his family (Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump Jr.).
  • CNN Trump tweets were not very “nice”.
  • How muchwas a tweet from Donald Trump worth? The market value will was almost 115K USD. However, since Donald Trump’s tweets got tons of engagement, its real value was over 5K USD. Amazing.

Former President Trump liked Twitter. Twitter is the place where Donald Trump feet safe, independent and where he can say whatever he wants. We haven’t tried to judge the content of the tweets. Donald Trump’s use of Twitter was very peculiar because he is used it everyday and each of his tweets used to generate a huge controversy. In fact, the way he addresses the media was not been seen before, he insults and make fun of them. That could be one of the reasons why Twitter banned Trump’s Twitter account for good.

Let’s compare the value of the Former USA President with an ex-President: Barack Obama. A tweet from Barack Obama is worth over the triple than a tweet from Trump:

Sentiment analysis of Trump Twitter

Trump used to send, mostly, positive and neutral tweets. We analyzed the sentiment value of the tweets written by Donald Trump and we saw that, most of the times, he tried to share tweets with a positive content.

What Is The President's Latest Tweet

Twitter custom data for you

President's Tweets Last Night

So, no matter if you need to access Trump’s Twitter archive or to the tweets right from when Trump became President in 2017. We at Tweet Binder offer custom solutions and full access to Twitter data. Even free instant Twitter reports that will allow you analyze anyone’s tweets today. Give us a try and feel free to contact us if you need any help with anything Trump-Twitter matter.

President Obama Tweets Today

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