Openssh Server Ubuntu 20.04

Download openssh-server8.2p1-4amd64.deb for 20.04 LTS from Ubuntu Main repository. Configuring SSH Key-based Authentication on Ubuntu 20.04 When an Ubuntu system is first installed, it is not configured by default to allow remote commandline access via Secure Shell (SSH) connections. Choose your preferred keyboard layout for your Ubuntu 20.04 server and then choose “Done” option and hit. So, choose “Install OpenSSH server” option. — Installing Google’s PAM. In this step, we’ll install and configure Google’s PAM. PAM, which stands.

  1. Openssh Server Setup Ubuntu
  2. Install Openssh Ubuntu 20.04
  3. Secure Ssh Server Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial we are going to install OpenSSH on Ubuntu 18.04. OpenSSH is most popular SSH server solution for Ubuntu Linux.

In Ubuntu 18.04 server, SSH server is an option during the installation process and your Ubuntu system probably has the OpenSSH server installed already. If you are not sure, run the following command to check whether you have SSH server installed already.

If you see openssh-server in the output, SSH server is installed already. Otherwise, you can install openssh-server package with following command:

After you’ve installed the openssh-server package, check the status of the ssh service with the systemctl command:

The status should be active (running), if not run following two commands to start and enable the ssh service:

Openssh Server Setup Ubuntu

You can also run the ss command to make sure that the Ubuntu system listen on TCP port 22.

If the Ubuntu firewall is enabled, you need to add a firewall rule that allows TCP port 22 inbound.

Next: Enable SSH Root Login

Connecting to the Ubuntu via ssh command

The ssh command is a command line SSH client available in every Linux/Unix operating system. It is a very simple and easy to use SSH Client for Ubuntu Linux.

To connect to that server via SSH, execute the ssh command followed by the IP address or domain name of the Ubuntu server:


The ssh command by default will try to log in to the remote server with the same username you are using on your local Linux machine. For example, if you have logged in to your local Linux machine as a root user, then the ssh command will try to connect to the remote server as the root user.

If you want to login as a different user, use the -l option:

Alternatively, you can also use the following format (username@ip-address):

Install Openssh Ubuntu 20.04

On windows you can get SSH command by installing the GIT bash shell or you can use an SSH client like Putty.

Also by default ssh command will connect to the remote server via port 22, which is the default SSH port. If you have changed the port for SSH on your Ubuntu server, then use the -p option to specify the port to connect to on the remote host:

In the preceding example, we connect to the remote server via port 22000.

A quick guide to setup a SSH-conncection to Virtual Machine Ubuntu Server 20.04

Secure Ssh Server Ubuntu 20.04

This article shall serve to prevent wasting hours looking for the pitfalls I encountered setting up Ubuntu Server 20.04 on my Virtual Box host (Ubuntu, Windows and Mac).

Install Ubuntu Server Image in Virtual Box

Download and install the .iso-file as described here. It's quite straightforward: openSHH right away or install it afterwards with

Start openssh server ubuntu

Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu Server comes without a GUI and nice advanced terminal features like a clipboard. You could install tmux but a more elegant way is to use a shell from your host.


Port Forwarding


Now, on a normal server connected to the same network, you could just SSH in the server right away (if configured right).Running ‘ifconfig’ on your Ubuntu server will show a strange IP like‘’which has to do with the way Virtual Box treats the virtual machine.If you try to SSH in your virtual machine you will get a misleading error

In case it was really a connection timeout you could just open the ssh config file

and change the line

but this is not the issue here!

As always stackoverflow gets straight to point even though detailed descriptions are missing. The solution is simple port forwarding. Just follow the steps:

  1. Turn off VM
  2. Go to settings -> network -> adapter1 -> advanced -> port forwarding
  3. Create an entry with Name: ForwardPort (could also be anything else), Protocol: TCP, Host-IP:, Host-Port: 2222 (could also be 22 or any other unbmer as long as not occupied already on host), Guest-IP:, Guest-Port: 22
  4. Confirm, start VM, log in. SSH server starts automatically.
  5. On host enter in terminal
How to start openssh server ubuntu

And there we go! I logged in as user dome on my host ubu.

Transfering files

Use scp. If you want to transfer a file from guest to host use

Windows SSH support

Since Windows 10 Windows comes with openSSH, so no more need for PuTTy.Anyway, if you login i.e. with Powershell you will note, that the copy paste behavior changes. Before CTRL+C and CTRL+V worked fine, but now you need to mark text and hit ENTER to copy and right click to paste (stackoverflow).

P.S.If you use VIM in Powershell, you will note, that the background color will likely mess up readability and result in a display like this (recognize the dark blue text?)

If so, just change the background colors, with right click on the white window bar next to minimize, go to properties -> colors.