Anydesk W10


Connect to a computer remotely, be it from the other end of the office or halfway around the world. AnyDesk ensures secure and reliable remote desktop connections for IT professionals and on-the-go individuals alike.

AnyDesk is a simple remote desktop software tool that can be used to instantly connect to other computers using a simple ID and password. Similar choice › Anydesk free download for XP › Anydesk for windows XP 32 bit › Anydesk laptop windows 7 32 bit › Download anydesk free zip. AnyDesk allows you to establish remote desktop connections in Windows 10 and opens up unprecedented possibilities of collaborating online and administrating your IT network. With AnyDesk, you can work remotely from everywhere! Dynamic Performance for Smooth Windows Remote Access. AnyDesk ensures secure and reliable remote desktop connections for IT professionals and on-the-go individuals alike. Start your 14 day trial today. Work from Home Learn more. 300+ million downloads worldwide. 400+ million sessions per month. AnyDesk works with most Windows Operating System, including Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. Although there are many popular File Transfer and Networking software, most people download and install the Demo version. However, don’t forget to update the programs periodically. Discover AnyDesk, the secure & intuitive remote desktop software, and take advantage of the application's innovative features!

million sessions
per month

Outstanding Performance

Ever experienced our innovative DeskRT codec in action? Low Latency and high Framerates are critical for working remotely. Don’t wait for your remote desktop to respond - even at high screen resolutions or low bandwidths of just 100 kB/s.

Lean and Elegant

No administrative privileges or installation needed. Get started within seconds on any operating system. Work on the go with your mobile devices.

Superior Security

Security is our priority. We use military-grade TLS technology to ensure your device is protected from unauthorized access. RSA 2048 asymmetric encryption verifies every connection. For maximum reliability, our servers run on purpose-built Erlang telecommunication technology.

All Platforms

AnyDesk runs on all common operating systems and devices on the market without any additional charge. Apps for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, Raspberry Pi and more.

In Cloud or On-Premises

AnyDesk offers maximum flexibility adapting to your security or policy requirements.

  • Maintenance and updates included
  • Independent global server infrastructure
  • Reliable Service with 99%+ uptime
  • Customized Clients available

On-Premises Solution

Suits businesses with individual security policies

  • Customizable solution
  • Advanced API integration options
  • Self-hosted and self-managed by your IT Team
  • Data remains within your company network

Still not convinced? Try it now!

Download Now

No signup required

Jan Peters

CEO, Spidercam

'spidercam® Producer uses AnyDesk Remote Desktop Tool for Worldwide Equipment Support.'

Francisco Rodríguez

CIO, Airport Münster/Osnabrück

'It wasn't until we tried AnyDesk that we were able to solve the data security problem.'

Mario Dionies

IT-Security Officer, AIP

'After searching for a bit, we found AnyDesk with its in-house-solution, offering exactly what we were looking for.'

By downloading and using AnyDesk, you accept our license agreement and our privacy statement.

Please consider taking our survey to help us make AnyDesk even better!

If the download does not start automatically, please click the Download link below.

Get Started with AnyDesk in 3 steps:

Double-click the downloaded AnyDesk file and AnyDesk will start immediately.

Enter the ID or Alias of the remote device into the field under 'Remote Desk'.

Click the green 'Connect'-Button and enjoy our fast and simple remote software solution.

Note: This article covers the Windows platform.

AnyDesk has several modes to run which affects how it is startup and closed.

  1. AnyDesk without installation. (portable)
  2. AnyDesk with installation.
  3. AnyDesk without installation but with Elevation.

Anydesk Win 10 Download

Those modes determine the characteristics of AnyDesk. Generally it is to distinguish between a portable and installed setup.

AnyDesk without Installation

  • AnyDesk doesn't run at startup and is therefore not reachable until startup manually.
  • AnyDesk closes completely when Main Window is closed.
  • AnyDesk cannot exist outside the User session / cannot switch to the Login Screen.
  • AnyDesk cannot restart the device and return to the Login Screen
  • AnyDesk cannot register automatically an Alias without installation.
  • Unattended access available after startup.

AnyDesk with Installation

  • AnyDesk creates a Service upon Installation which secures availability and Elevation (for AnyDesk) at Startup.
  • AnyDesk is available outside the user session / switch to Login Screen / logout is possible.
  • To close AnyDesk, close the control process, found in the tray of the taskbar.
Closing the control-process also closes the service. This action must be confirmed by UAC-prompt.
  • AnyDesk can restart the device and return to the Login Screen.
  • Unattended access is always available.

Run AnyDesk without Installation but with Elevation

Anydesk Win 10

There are three options to elevate AnyDesk manually when not installed:

  1. Request elevation for the remote side via the actions menu. See Elevation
  2. Run AnyDesk as Administrator via Context Menu.
  3. Create a custom client that:
    1. Automatically runs as Administrator.
    2. Doesn't allow installation.
  • AnyDesk doesn't run at startup of Windows and is therefore not reachable until executed manually.
  • AnyDesk closes completely when Main Window is closed.
  • AnyDesk can exist outside the User session / switch to the Login Screen. (runs as SYSTEM)
  • AnyDesk can restart the device and return to the Login Screen when performed from the actions menu.
  • Unattended access is available after startup of AnyDesk.